Coronavirus information in other languages and formats

We have brought together lots of useful links to information about coronavirus that is presented in all sorts of different ways, such as child friendly; braille; BSL; easy read and more.
NSL interpreter at Healthwatch Conference

NHS England had produced a list of common questions about Coronavirus, covering advice for you and your family, how it’s caught and spread, prevention, self-isolation, testing and treatment and foreign travel.

NHS common questions

Other places for information:

Information in other languages

Information about Coronavirus is available in a range of different languages on the Doctors of the World website.

Videos about the Coronavirus vaccine in a range of different languages is available on our vaccine webpage.

NHS England have also produced videos in alternative languages about why you still need to follow Coronavirus rules after having the vaccine. You can watch these here.

Easy read information

Easy Read information about Coronavirus is available on the following websites:

There is also easy read information available about:

Easy Read Information about the Coronavirus vaccine is available on the following websites:

British Sign Language information

British Sign Language (BSL) videos about Coronavirus are available on the Sign Health website.

Information in Braille

Information about Coronavirus in Braille can be ordered from