Health and social care services

Enfield Council has a useful resource directory on their website for social care information and services including: disability equipment, support for carers, learning disabilities, children and family services, housing, help at home, training and education, health and wellbeing and events.

Need more information? Did you not find what you are looking for?

Call us on 020 8373 6283

or email us.


Looking for NHS services near you?

We know that finding the services you need to look after your health care can be confusing.

Click Here to Find NHS Services


If you would like more information on local support services contact us.

Sexual health services in Enfield

There are three NHS sexual health clinics in the Borough of Enfield:

Please visit Echo Sexual Health Clinics for more information. 

Mental health services in Enfield

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust is the main adult mental health hospital service in Enfield.

NHS Barnet and Enfield Talking Therapies, provide psychological therapy to anyone(16+) who is experiencing problems with their mood including mental health difficulties such as: depression, anxiety, OCD, Trauma (PTSD) and more.

Enfield CAMHS is the child and adolescent mental health service in Enfield.

We also have lots of useful links to general information and support for mental health on our Mental Health Services for Enfield Residents page.


Choosing a GP Practice

You have the right to choose a GP practice, although for most people this choice is currently limited to a practice near where they live.

We have created a GP guide with useful information about your rights and other useful tips.

Choosing a hospital and a consultant

If you need to go to hospital to see a specialist, you have the right to choose which hospital you’re referred to by your GP. You are also able to choose which consultant-led team will be in charge of your treatment, as long as that team provides the treatment you require. However, some exceptions apply and please note that during the Coronavirus pandemic there are temporary changes.

Blood donation

If you’re fit & well, please consider donating blood. For the most up to date information on how to donate blood please check the Give Blood website.

Choice in Mental Health: Your legal right to choose provider

When you are referred by a GP to a consultant or specialist in mental health, you have the right to choose the organisation (provider) that provides your care. NHS Improvement has developed a guide that explains:

  • your right to choose the provider that best meets your individual needs
  • how you can choose any provider of the service you need
  • when your choice isn’t appropriate for your care needs
  • how your commissioners and healthcare professionals should be proactive in facilitating choice

Guide to Maximum 18 Week Waiting Times

The NHS Constitution says you have the right to access certain services commissioned by NHS bodies within maximum waiting times. Please note that during the Coronavirus pandemic there are temporary changes.

Mental Capacity Act

The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 applies to everyone involved in the care, treatment and support of people aged 16 and over living in England and Wales who are unable to make all or some decisions for themselves. The Mental Capacity Act protects the rights of people to make their own decisions; it also places a responsibility on professionals to support people to make their own choices wherever possible. The Social Care Institute for Excellence has useful accessible resources available on the Act whilst the wording of the legislation can be accessed here.

Personal Health Budgets

A personal health budget allows you to manage your healthcare and support, such as treatments, equipment and personal care, in a way that suits you.

Here, you can find detailed information about personal health budgets, useful links, eligibility, and managing your personal health budget.

NHS e-Referral Services

If you have been referred by your GP for an appointment with a healthcare provider, you may be able to book your appointment with NHS e-Referral Service. You have the right to think about your choices, compare different options and book your appointment at a later stage.

Care Act 2014

Under the Care Act, from April 2014, local authorities must ensure that any adult who appears to require care and support – including carers with support needs – has their needs assessed. This is regardless of their likely eligibility for state-funded care. New resources from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) have been designed to support local authority staff, social workers and others involved in assessment and eligibility.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Need more information? Did you not find what you are looking for?

Call us on 020 8373 6283

or email us.