Stefanie Schidlowski
Community Engagement and Outreach Officer
Steff started her position at Healthwatch Enfield as Community Engagement & Outreach Officer in June 2023. She is highly passionate about actively promoting equity, accessibility, and inclusively within the health sector. She is working closely with our engagement team around Enfield to understand what issues matter to local patients, residents, and carers.
020 837 36283

Michelle Malwah
Michelle is responsible for managing all the day-to-day operations of Healthwatch Enfield and identifying community engagement needs to help people influence their local health and social care services.
07510 565 089
0208 373 6283
Farheen Ambia
Community Engagement & Outreach Officer
Farheen is a passionate advocate for positive change and is deeply committed to championing equity and inclusivity within public health and social care sector. Collaborating closely with our dedicated engagement team and community groups, Farheen endeavours to deeply understand the concerns and needs of local people in Enfield to ensure their voices are heard.
020 837 36283
Elisha Nelson

Holly Smith
Information & Volunteer Co-ordinators
Our authorised Enter and View representatives
We have seven volunteer Enter and View assessors