Join your local Patient Participation Group (PPG)

If you are a patient or carer in Enfield and are registered to a local GP, then the good news is you can also join your GP practice Patient Participation Group (PPG). It’s likely that your experience at your GP is similar to many others living locally, and by getting involved, you will be helping them by suggesting ways to improve the service and care within your GP..
"The vast majority of GP practices in Enfield (80%) are confirmed to have a Patient Participation Group. While this is the case, we are unsure as to how to get involved and become a member of this groups."
So, what is a PPG group and what does it do?
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is an opportunity for local residents, patients, carers, and practice staff to meet up and discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service.
Every PPG is different. Most will have regular PPG meetings but, depending on their members’ ambitions, they may also organise information events for patients, run coffee mornings focused on topics of interest to patients, publish patient's newsletters, and engage with local community groups to hear how GP practice works for them.
How many GP surgeries have a PPG?
Every GP surgery should have a PPG. Currently 80% of GPs in Enfield are looking to proactively involve patients and carers in decision making and running of the practice.
Many of these GPs want to improve the quality of care and ensure people are able to make informed use of available healthcare resources. However, they need your help to do it. It’s a two-way dialogue and the more you speak out, then the more likely change can start to happen. The more ripples, the bigger the wave!
Join your local Patient Participation Group