Video and Easy Read documents about how to make a complaint or leave a compliment

Healthwatch Enfield have worked alongside One-to-One Enfield learning disabilities group to produce accessible information about how to make a complaint or leave a compliment about an Enfield health or social care service.
Individuals with a learning disability and/or Autism told us that the most accessible way for them to receive information is via a video and/or Easy Read documents.
Through co-producing with a group of service users from One-to-One Enfield, we have created a total of ten videos and Easy Read documents outlining how to make a complaint or leave a compliment for different Enfield health and care services. This includes:
- GP, pharmacy, dentist or optician
- North Middlesex Hospital
- Chase Farm and Barnet Hospital
- BEH-MET (Barnet Enfield Haringey Mental Health Trust)
- Adult social care in Enfield
- London Ambulance Service
- NHS 111 and out of hours services
- NCL CCG (North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group)
In addition to:
- Top tips and useful information on how to make a complaint
- Advocacy – how to get help or support to make a complaint
Watch the vidoes and download the Easy Read documents
Each video and Easy Read document explains how the complaints process works for individual services and outlines what to expect at each stage of the process. There are also two generic videos and Easy Read documents, outlining the support individuals can get from an advocacy service, in addition to top tips and useful information about making a complaint.
Our videos and Easy Read documents are not just for people with a learning disability and/or Autism. We hope that a range of individuals will find these useful, such as those who do not use English as a first language, individuals with a sensory impairment and/or individual with cognitive impairments such as Dementia.
Thank you to all the members of One-to-One Enfield who have consulted with us to co-produce these resources and helped us to develop something we are really proud of.
Watch our videos and download our Easy Read documents on our dedicated webpage.
Give us your feedback
What do you think about our new videos and Easy Read resources? We would love to know what you think of them. Please do drop us an email or give us a ring to let us know (020 8373 6283). We are always happy to hear from you.