Become a Community Connector

Join the Healthy Hearts Community Connector Programme and Help to Improve Heart Health in Enfield.
Healthwatch staff



The Healthy Hearts project is a project that has been commissioned across Healthwatches in North Central London. Heart disease is the biggest cause of death around the world, and we want to support more people in Enfield to keep track of theirs, and if it’s high, how to seek and access the right support. 


What will it involve? 

As a Community Connector, you will actively support your community with their health literacy. We will support you by running blood pressure events that aim to educate people about their health, promote hypertension awareness and provide any further support they might need.  



We will provide you with training and support around hypertension and blood pressure testing so that you feel able to: 

  • Take blood pressure readings in your community and engage your community in being active about their health through learning about hypertension.   
  • Empower your community by providing information and encouraging them to check their blood pressure regularly, and where they can check it.   
  • Understand how to record and feedback information that your community is sharing with you. 

With your unique insights into the barriers your community faces with health and social care services, Healthwatch Enfield will take on board the insights collected and feed it back to the decision makers.  

If you are over the age of 18, a resident of Enfield or a grassroot organisation and are interested in becoming a Community connector please contact our Community outreach officer for more information.

Becoming a community connector Information

Become a community connector flyer

Find out more

For more information or to sign up please contact: