Join our online event about managing anxiety during the Coronavirus outbreak

This event, in partnership with Age UK Enfield, iCan and local mental health services (Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Trust), has been organised for you as local residents of Enfield, as we are progressing into the Winter months in an environment of uncertainty around Coronavirus and the potential impact on our anxiety levels.
Don’t miss your chance to put questions on how to manage anxiety and how to cope with the uncertainty of the next few months and any changes ahead.
You can book your place:
By emailing us:
By calling us: 020 8373 6283
During this virtual, online meeting, we’re providing an opportunity to hear directly from local services for ways to deal and cope with anxieties during the current Coronavirus outbreak.
You may well have questions you’d like answered such as what tips there are to manage your anxieties about the new 'normal' we are experiencing, or ideas on how to have more restful sleep when you are feeling worried. You may be concerned about the impact that Coronavirus is having on your anxiety levels , or the anxiety of your family and friends.
Whatever your questions, please detail these as you log on to book your place, or email us ( or call us (020 8373 6283) by Monday 5th October.
Note that you must ask your question in advance and by the deadline. Due to the likely numbers joining, we will be unable to take questions on the day. Please let us know as soon as possible, if you have any access needs/ require a BSL interpreter. We look forward to you joining us.