1. News -

    During May and June, over 190 local people told us about how Coronavirus and ‘lockdown’ has impacted their health and wellbeing, including over 40 young adults.
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    We want to hear how local care and nursing homes are doing now that ‘lockdown’ is easing.
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    We held an online event a few weeks ago, where over 30 of you joined us to ask questions and hear from the Public Health Team at Enfield Council about Coronavirus.
  4. News -

    The North Central London Cancer Alliance is looking for new people to join its Patient and User Involvement Group to help shape health services.
  5. News -

    Between April and August, Healthwatch Enfield staff and volunteers supported the London Borough of Enfield telephone befriending scheme in response to the Coronavirus outbreak
  6. Advice and Information -

    Many GP's and hospitals are now offering online appointments as an alternative to face to face appointments during the Coronavirus outbreak. Here are some top tips for you to help you understand what to expect from an online appointment.
  7. News -

    Working for Healthwatch Enfield is good for your career! Two of our team are moving on to new roles. We are really pleased that they will both continue to work with health and care services, one locally and one nationally.
  8. Report -

    Between April and August, Healthwatch Enfield staff and volunteers supported the London Borough of Enfield telephone befriending scheme in response to the Coronavirus outbreak
  9. News -

    We held an online event a few weeks ago, where over 30 of you joined us to ask questions and hear about children and young peoples' mental health and wellbeing.
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    Don’t miss your chance to put questions to local GPs, Public Health Enfield and the North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group about the flu jab!
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    To ensure the NHS can continue to deliver the best emergency and planned care across north central London during the winter and the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, temporary changes to services for children and young people will commence today.
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    How people access parts of emergency care in London is changing, with ‘111 First’ helping them to get the right care, in the right place, more quickly. 
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    This was the message, loud and clear, from our expert panel at our latest live Q&A event.
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    Hurry! Don’t miss your chance to book our popular online Q&A event on Wednesday 2nd December
  15. Advice and Information -

    From the 1 December you’ll be able to book a slot at your local A&E if you need to by calling NHS 111. Find out what is changing and what it means for you and your loved ones.
  16. News -

    Our latest report, looks at the impact of Coronavirus on local Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities across Enfield.
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    North Central London Experts by Experience Board for mental health is looking for new members.
  18. Report -

    Our latest report, looks at the impact of Coronavirus on local Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities across Enfield.
  19. News -

    Residents ask questions about changes to hospital and GP services in Enfield during the pandemic.
  20. Advice and Information -

    Information about what to do if you or someone you know is unwell and needs urgent or emergency care or if someone you need needs emergency social care support
  21. News -

    Important local information for you about how your local health and care services are working together to provide care for Coronavirus and non-Coronavirus patients
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    The Department of Health and Social Care are seeking your views on a proposal to make Coronavirus vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes.
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    In February we told you that Healthwatch Enfield will be managed by a new contractor from 1st June 2021. We are pleased to say that we have been working with them and made good progress in handing over services.
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    To help us select our priorities for the next 12 months we'd like to find out what health and social care issues are important to you. Please complete the survey below and have your say!
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    An opportunity to directly shape and monitor our work...
  26. Report -

    Healthwatch Enfield and community partners were commissioned by the NCL Integrated Care Board to understand what matters to the local communities so that local public service providers can listen to ideas, and take action by co-designing changes.

  27. News -

    Junior doctors at the Royal Free London will participate in national industrial action for 72 hours starting at 7am on Monday 13th March.
  28. Advice and Information -

    Explore our list of winter support services, including food banks and warm havens, available to residents in Enfield during these colder months.
  29. Advice and Information -

    Do you want to shape and empower Enfield's residents to live healthier and longer lives? Take part in Health and Wellbeing consultations led by Enfield Council.
  30. Advice and Information -

    Are you feeling lonely, or need help with collecting your prescriptions? Let us know so we can refer you to an NHS and Care Volunteer Responder.
  31. Report -

    A deep dive into community feedback on the NHS's new proposal of how eye surgery services is being delivered and relocated in North Central London.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Manage your health effectively this winter, ensuring you know where and how to seek the right support when needed.
  33. News -

    Our Local Committee Meetings are instrumental in shaping the work we deliver at Healthwatch Enfield.
  34. Advice and Information -

    North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) and NHS England are consulting with residents, healthcare staff and patients on the proposed changes in North Central London.
  35. Advice and Information -

    Getting an appointment with your local GP can be tough. That's why your nearby pharmacy is stepping up to offer prescription-only medicines, like antibiotics and antivirals for 7 common conditions, helping ease pressure on GPs.
  36. Advice and Information -

    This plan introduces a shift towards prevention and good oral health in young children and expands the dental workforce. Details of the plan include a 'new patient' payment scheme, funding, and the introduction of dental vans to provide mobile care in underrepresented areas.
  37. News -

    As we reflect on our 'GP Access Made Simple' conference, we extend our deepest thanks to everyone who attended and shared their insights.
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    North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust and Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust are looking at how they can come together as one organisation after several years of close working.
  39. Report -

    We are delighted to share with you our Annual Report for 2023-24.
  40. News -

    British Medical Association has announced that GPs are taking collective action to protest limited funding increases for 2024/2025.
  41. News -

    Healthwatch Enfield calls for healthcare providers to put patients at the heart of their work to develop remote consultations via video calling and email during the COVID-19 pandemic.